💵Prefill an Array
Create the function prefill that returns an array of n elements that all have the same value v. See if you can do this without using a loop.
You have to validate input:
- v can be anything (primitive or otherwise)
- if v is ommited, fill the array with undefined
- if n is 0, return an empty array
- if n is anything other than an integer or integer-formatted string (e.g. '123') that is >=0, throw a TypeError
When throwing a TypeError, the message should be n is invalid, where you replace n for the actual value passed to the function.
Code Examples
prefill(3,1) --> [1,1,1]
prefill(2,"abc") --> ['abc','abc']
prefill("1", 1) --> [1]
prefill(3, prefill(2,'2d'))
--> [['2d','2d'],['2d','2d'],['2d','2d']]
prefill("xyz", 1)
--> throws TypeError with message "xyz is invalid"
Best Practices
Py First:
def prefill(n=0,v=None):
return [v] * int(n)
raise TypeError(str(n) + ' is invalid')
Py Second:
def prefill(n, v = None):
return int(n)*[v]
raise TypeError(str(n) + " is invalid")
Py Third:
def prefill(n,v = 'undefined'):
return [v] * int(n)
raise TypeError('{} is invalid'.format(n))