Kata's link: How much hex is the fish
How much is the fish! (- Scooter )
The ocean is full of colorful fishes. We as programmers want to know the hexadecimal value of these fishes.
Take all hexadecimal valid characters (a,b,c,d,e,f) of the given name and XOR them. Return the result as an integer.
The input is always a string, which can contain spaces, upper and lower case letters but no digits.
fisHex("redlionfish") -> e,d,f -> XOR -> 12
Best Practices
Py First:
VALID = frozenset('abcdefABCDEF')
def fisHex(s):
return reduce(lambda b, c: b ^ c, (int(a, 16) for a in s if a in VALID), 0)
Py Second:
def fisHex(name):
# fish is 15
for c in name.upper():
if c in hexdict:
return res
Py Third:
from operator import xor
def fisHex(name):
return reduce(xor, (ord(c) - 87 for c in name.lower() if c in "abcdef"), 0)
Py Fourth:
def fisHex(name):
return reduce(int.__xor__, [int(x, 16) for x in name.lower() if x in "abcdef"], 0)