Implement String#ipv4_address?, which should return true if given object is an IPv4 address - four numbers (0-255) separated by dots.
It should only accept addresses in canonical representation, so no leading 0s, spaces etc.
Best Practices
Py First:
from re import compile, match
REGEX = compile(r'((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){4}$')
def ipv4_address(address):
# refactored thanks to @leonoverweel on CodeWars
return bool(match(REGEX, address + '.'))
Py Second:
import socket
def ipv4_address(address):
try: # No need to do work that's already been done
return True
except socket.error: # Better to ask forgiveness than permission
return False
Py Third:
def ipv4_address(address):
return address.count(".")==3 and all([str.isdigit(s) and s==str(int(s)) and int(s)>=0 and int(s)<256 for s in address.split(".")])