Kata's link: Parse HTML/CSS Colors
In this kata you parse RGB colors represented by strings. The formats are primarily used in HTML and CSS. Your task is to implement a function which takes a color as a string and returns the parsed color as a map (see Examples).
The input string represents one of the following:
- 6-digit hexadecimal - "#RRGGBB" e.g. "#012345", "#789abc", "#FFA077" Each pair of digits represents a value of the channel in hexadecimal: 00 to FF
- 3-digit hexadecimal - "#RGB" e.g. "#012", "#aaa", "#F5A" Each digit represents a value 0 to F which translates to 2-digit hexadecimal: 0->00, 1->11, 2->22, and so on.
- Preset color name e.g. "red", "BLUE", "LimeGreen" You have to use the predefined map PRESET_COLORS (JavaScript, Python, Ruby), presetColors (Java, C#, Haskell), or preset-colors (Clojure). The keys are the names of preset colors in lower-case and the values are the corresponding colors in 6-digit hexadecimal (same as 1. "#RRGGBB").
parse_html_color('#80FFA0') # => {'r': 128, 'g': 255, 'b': 160}
parse_html_color('#3B7') # => {'r': 51, 'g': 187, 'b': 119}
parse_html_color('LimeGreen') # => {'r': 50, 'g': 205, 'b': 50 }
Best Practices
Py First:
def parse_html_color(color):
color = PRESET_COLORS.get(color.lower(), color)
if len(color) == 7:
r, g, b = (int(color[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(1, 7, 2))
r, g, b = (int(color[i+1]*2, 16) for i in range(3))
return dict(zip("rgb", (r, g, b)))
Py Second:
def parse_html_color(color):
color = PRESET_COLORS.get(color.lower(), color)[1:]
return { c: int(sn*(3-len(color)//3), 16) for c,sn in zip('rgb',[ color[i:i+len(color)//3] for i in range(0, len(color), len(color)//3) ]) }
Py Third:
parse_html_color=p=lambda c:c[0]>'#'and p(PRESET_COLORS[c.lower()])or len(c)<7and p(''.join(s*2for s in c)[1:])or{k:int(c[i:i+2],16)for k,i in zip('rgb',(1,3,5))}