
Lists are data structures composed of nested objects, each containing a single value and a reference to the next object.

Here's an example of a list in JavaScript:

{value: 1, next: {value: 2, next: {value: 3, next: null}}}

In Python, lists will be represented by a preloaded LinkedList class with the members value and next. Here's an example:

LinkedList(1, LinkedList(2, LinkedList(3))) Write a function listToArray (or list_to_array in Python) that converts a list to an array, like this:

[1, 2, 3]

Assume all inputs are valid lists with at least one value. For the purpose of simplicity, all values will be either numbers, strings, or Booleans.

Kata's link: List to Array

Py First:

def list_to_array(lst):
    arr = []
    while lst != None:
        lst = lst.next
    return arr

Py Second:

def list_to_array(lst):
    return ([lst.value] + list_to_array(lst.next)) if lst else []

Py Third:

list_to_array = lambda l: list() if l == None else [l.value] + list_to_array(l.next)

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